Q. Configuration of e-mail account settings on computers and devices?


Mail Server Settings:

InnoTech email services requires authentication for incoming and outgoing connections. Incoming connections can be POP or IMAP and Outgoing connections are SMTP. We also offer Exchange Email services (MAPI and EWS).

InnoTech email services requires encryption for both incoming (POP and IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) connections. Encryption can either be TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Socket layer) depending on the port number used.


To setup incoming connections to an email application such as MacMail or Outlook:

The Host Server address is specified by InnoTech and can be: mail.inno-tech.com, mail2.inno-tech.com, mail4.inno-tech.com, mail6.inno-tech.com  (please contact InnoTech to understand which server your service is using)

Username: Your full email address

Password: Your InnoTech webmail password

POP Ports: 110 with TLS encryption, or 995 if you are using SSL encryption

IMAP Ports: 143 with TLS encryption, or 993 if you are using SSL encryption


To setup outgoing connections to an email application such as MacMail or Outlook

The Host Server address is specified by InnoTech and can be: mail.inno-tech.com, mail2.inno-tech.com, mail4.inno-tech.com, mail6.inno-tech.com  (please contact InnoTech to understand which server your service is using)

Username: Your full email address

Password: Your InnoTech webmail password

SMTP Ports: 25, 587 when using TLS encryption, or 465 if you are using SSL encryption


For mobile devices, the setup for both incoming and outgoing email services is the same as above. The type of authentication is "password", but MD5-Challenge should also work


Q. Training your email service for spam management?

If you are using an application like Outlook or AppleMail for your emails any actions you take on spam management using these applications only helps the application understand your email environment.  The server does not receive any of this information for future reference on classifying your emails into spam.

Below is what we would recommend for you to do to train your email server to better classify if an email is spam or not:

1. When you receive an email in your Inbox where the first part of the Subject line reads “Spam?” and the email is actually not spam, please login to your email account through webmail.  Check mark those emails in your Inbox that are not spam with the preface in the subject line “Spam?”, and then click on Actions -> Mark -> Not Spam.  For this exercise, ignore emails that show “RE: Spam? ..” at the beginning of the subject line as these are forwarded emails.

2. Visit the Junk-Email folder on the server once in a while and look for legitimate emails that have been miscategorized.  Checkmark all of these emails and click on Actions -> Mark -> Not Spam

3. In webmail, login to your account and  go to Settings -> Trusted Senders and enter all email addresses for your trusted senders.  You don’t have to enter local email addresses within your domain as they are trusted by default.

Once you do this for a few weeks, the server will be “trained” to better understand your email environment and learn to accurately categorize your emails in the future.  You must do all of these actions when logged in on webmail as doing the same using Outlook or AppleMail will have no effect on the server.

Q. Fix Internet Explorer Browser issues with Webmail

If you are having problems with some of the web functions when accessing your email account using Webmail, you may have upgraded to Internet Explorer 10 (IE10).

Microsoft in most cases pushes these upgrades silently without informing users. Unfortunately, IE10 has compatibility issues with some web sites.  Some of the issues on IE10 include the webmail "login" button does not work, the "delete" button does not work when deleting emails, the "send" button does not work when replying or composing emails.

In order to resolve this issue, you need to turn ON "compatibility mode" on IE10. This will make the new browser behave similar to IE9 which is a stable platform and over the years developed very good compatibility with 99.99% of web sites on the internet.

To turn ON compatibility mode please follow the instructions below:

  1. On the right hand side of the window where you enter web site URLs, you will see 4 small icons: magnifying glass, arrow pointing down, a rectangle page torn in the middle, and a semi-circular arrow.
  2. The rectangular page torn in the middle is the icon for turning ON and OFF compatibility view in IE10.  Click on this icon (the icon should change from grey to blue).  Blue signifies that compatibility view is turned ON.
  3. Now all the features of webmail should function normaly.
  4. You may need to reactivate the compatibility view if it switches off, which sometimes happens when rebooting the computer or there is a browser crash.

Alternatively, you can force IE10 to always work in compatibility view.  To do this, please follow the steps below:

  1. Turn ON the Menu bar on IE10.  To do this, right-click on the top blue area of the browser where a drop-down menu should appear.  The first item in the drop-down menu should be "Menu bar".  Click on this item which should show a check mark to the left of the "Menu bar" line item.
  2. You should now see a Menu bar appear (File, Edit, View, Favourites, Tools, Help) at the top of your browser page.
  3. Click on Tools followed by Compatibility View Settings.
  4. Check mark the check box on "Display all websites in compatibility view"
  5. Click on Close which will close the window
  6. This will set the browser to always work in compatibility mode which will make it compatible will most websites on the internet.

Q. How do I configure the iPhone for email

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Mail, Contacts, Calendars
  3. Click on "Add Account"
  4. Click on "Other"
  5. Click on "Add Mail Account"
  6. Fill in the 4 fields (Name, Email, Password, Description) and Click on "Next" at the top of the screen.  Your password is the password used by InnoTech registered in your mail server.
  7. Click on IMAP or POP depending on the email service desired
  8. Make sure Name, Email and Description is correctly entered
  9. Under Incoming Mail Server enter mail.inno-tech.com or mail2.inno-tech.com (depending on your assigned mail server) as the Host Name followed by your username (which is your full email address) and password.
  10. Under Outgoing Mail Server enter mail.inno-tech.com or mail2.inno-tech.com (depending on your assigned mail server) as the Host Name followed by your username (same as your full email address) and password.
  11. Click on "Next" at the top of the screen
  12. The phone will go through a verification process which can take one or two minutes.
  13. On completion (only with IMAP) of the verification process a screen will apear with services to synchronize.  Make sure Mail service is switched ON.
  14. Click on "Next" which will save the new email account configuration